2024/1/31 -Download and install cygintl-2.dll to fix missing or corrupted DLL errors.

2015/9/3 -It is because of the lack of cygintl-2.dll & cygintl-1.dll in OpenSSH/bin. try finding and downloading the two dlls then copy them into ...

2020/9/8 -対処:Develカテゴリのcygwin32パッケージをインストールすると動くようになるらしいが、今回のケースでは動かなかった。sh-elf-gccがcygintl-2.dllを要求 ...

... cygintl-1.dll. 37k 2003/08/10 C:\cygwin\bin\cygintl-2.dll. 31k 2005/11/20 C:\cygwin\bin\cygintl-3.dll. 40k 2014/11/18 C:\cygwin\bin\cygintl-8.dll. 310k 2013/09 ...

I am trying to install CDO via Cygwin in Windows 7 x64 but all the versions (example : cdo-1.9.5-cygwin64.zip) that i downloaded are missing the .dll files that ...

2009/7/14 -カスタムインストールでCygwinをセットアップしたら、cygintl-3.dll が見つからないというエラーが発生。 多分 Intel の共有ライブラリかなとおもっ ...

Cygintl-3.dll was not found

  1. https://cygwin.cygwin.narkive.com
  2. cygintl-3-dll-was-no...
  1. https://cygwin.cygwin.narkive.com
  2. cygintl-3-dll-was-no...

2006/8/9 -Hello, all: I have dowloaded Cygwin from cygwin.com web site. From that download, I have installed Cygwin with no problems in a Windows 2000 ...


  1. https://www2.denshi.numazu-ct.ac.jp
  2. 1_donyu
  3. 1_install
  1. https://www2.denshi.numazu-ct.ac.jp
  2. 1_donyu
  3. 1_install

nxtOSEKのプログラムを作るには、以下の手順を踏んで準備が必要です。 Cygwinのインストール; GNU ARMのインストール; nxtOSEKのインストール・設定; LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT ...

Cygwin FAQ

  1. https://www.cygwin.com
  2. faq
  1. https://www.cygwin.com
  2. faq

dll , major version 2, minor version 4, release 1. -1 is a subrelease number required by the distro versioning scheme. It's not actually part of the Cygwin ...

in general it dosnt matter where the dll are, but not getting any output is weird. ... 2.dll => /usr/bin/cyggssapi_krb5-2.dll ... cygintl-8.dll => /usr/bin ...