

PECL is a repository for PHP Extensions, providing a directory of all known extensions and hosting facilities for downloading and development of PHP extensions.

目次 ¶ · PECL インストール入門 · PECL 拡張モジュールをダウンロードする · PHP 拡張モジュールの Windows へのインストール · 共有 PECL 拡張モジュールを、pecl ...

The abbreviation PECL can refer to: PHP Extension Community Library, a repository of extensions for the PHP programming language; Positive emitter-coupled ...

These states manage the installed pecl extensions. Note that php-pear must be installed for these states to be available.

The PHP Extension Community Library (PECL) (pronounced pickle) is a repository for C and C++ extensions for compiling into the PHP language.

2024/6/13 -Overview. This section of the Module Installers interface allows you to manage and install PECL (PHP Extension Community Library) libraries.

The pecl command is used to install PECL extensions. The peardev command is a wrapper for the pear command which removes the normal configured memory limit.


PECLは、PHPで利用できる拡張ライブラリを提供しているサービス。 PECLで提供されるライブラリはCで記述されているため、PHPで記述され...-Wikipedia