2024/2/11 -Async test methods in NUnit 3.x must return either Task if no value is returned, or Task<T> if a value of type T is returned.

2015/2/1 -After the async void test method has returned (i.e., the first time a not-yet-completed task is awaited), NUnit calls the ...

Test - NUnit Docs

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  2. writing-tests
  3. attributes
  4. test
  1. https://docs.nunit.org
  2. writing-tests
  3. attributes
  4. test

Async test methods must return Task if no value is returned, or Task<T> if a value of type T is returned. If the programmer marks a test method that does not ...

2024/2/11 -NUnit 3.x の非同期テストメソッドは、値が返されない場合は Task を返すか、 T 型の値が返される場合は Task<T> を返さなければなりません。

2012/8/30 -As of today (7/2/2014) async testing is supported by: xUnit: with async methods that return a Task (since 1.9); MSTest: with async methods ...

2015/7/27 -1 つは、非同期メソッドの結果をテストする際に重要なのは、メソッドから返される Task だということです。async メソッドは、完了、結果、および例外を ...

非同期プログラミング-async と await の概要

2017/4/13 -Hi, I'm not sure whether an issue with NUnit but the following test will always result in a deadlock: [Test] public async Task Deadlock() ...

NUnit1012 | NUnit Docs

  1. https://docs.nunit.org
  2. nunit-analyzers
  3. NUnit1012
  1. https://docs.nunit.org
  2. nunit-analyzers
  3. NUnit1012

Example Violation. [Test] public async void NUnit1012SampleTest() { var result = await Task. · Explanation. async methods should generally not return void in C#.

2023/10/26 -I have the following problem where the async Setup method for an NUnit test does not get to complete before the actual test method is run.

... NUnit Test, which explains the requirements for an async test. ... test method is marked with the async keyword and has return type Task . ... [Test] public async ...