

To grant this account the privileges required for replication, use the GRANT statement. ... replication, that account needs only the REPLICATION SLAVE privilege.

2017/1/31 -I need to create a user with REPLICATION SLAVE privilege for each database. When I use the command: GRANT REPLICATION SLAVE ON `mydb`.* TO 'user ...

The REPLICATE SLAVE privilege permits the user to connect to the master and to receive updates to the master's binary log. The REPLICATE CLIENT privilege allows ...

To grant this account the privileges required for replication, use the GRANT statement. ... replication, that account needs only the REPLICATION SLAVE privilege.

2016/3/7 -GRANT REPLICATION SLAVE ON a_database.* to 'repl'@'domain.test' IDENTIFIED BY 'slavepass'; 之所以指定数据库我是希望能只复制这个数据库而忽略 ...

GRANT REPLICATION CLIENT, REPLICATION SLAVE ON *.* TO 'repl_user'@'mydomain.com';. To use encrypted replication, configure source database instance to use SSL ...

sock -uroot -proot mysql> use mysql mysql> GRANT REPLICATION SLAVE ON *.* TO 'repl'@'cl1-node1' identified by 'repl'; mysql> GRANT REPLICATION SLAVE ON *.* TO ' ...

My step by step guide for setting up a replication server for MySql 5.6 and up (with GTID enabled) using mysqldump. Create replication user in MySql, if not ...

Slaves will need permission to connect and start replicating from a server. Usually this is done by creating a dedicated slave user, and granting that user ...

2024/2/12 -I'm setting up mysql replication using xtrabackup guide How to set up a replica for replication in 6 simple steps with Percona XtraBackup ...