
2024/1/17 -String descriptors are referenced by their one-based index number. A string descriptor contains one or more Unicode strings; each string is a ...

String index zero is used for all languages and returns a string descriptor that contains an array of two-byte LANGID codes supported by the device. The ...

When the USB Host requests for a string by its index and language ID, the Device Layer looks for the corresponding string descriptor in the String Descriptor ...

iConfiguration is a index to a string descriptor describing the configuration in human readable form. ... The above String Descriptor shows the format of String ...

2021/12/14 -The presence of a string descriptor that contains the proper signature field at index 0xEE indicates to the operating system that the device ...

2023/11/28 -It can be one of the values advertised in the string descriptor 0. You are supposed to have multiple strings in different languages for the same ...

Hi everybody! I've observed the following weird behaviour when obtaining the string descriptors via libusb_get_string_descriptor_ascii( ):

2019/10/8 -I expected to find some sort of array of strings that could be indexed into by the 0x02 index or at least a configuration string. Possibly the ...

is a index to a string descriptor describing the configuration in human readable form. ... The above String Descriptor shows the format of String Descriptor Zero.

Get Descriptor (String), with a descriptor index of 0 in the low byte of ... STRING descriptor type (= 3). 2. bString. 2. Number. UNICODE encoded string. String ...

A.「MsMpEng.exe」が原因で何らかの障害が起きているようです。 「MsMpEng.exe」をタスクマネージャーから「停止」させる、そして「サービス」で「停止」させてみてください。 具体的な...
