

2015/7/5 -Re: MLSD error ... Looks like your server is behind a firewall or NAT router that is not correctly configured for explicit FTP over TLS.

2018/6/6 -Make sure your server allows FTP over TLS and has a valid certificate configured. Some stateful firewalls filter the AUTH command. If that ...

2014/8/8 -Go to site management, choose the site with the problem. Choose tab "Transfer Settings" and select "active instead of 'default'.

2021/2/18 -Re: MLSD Error ... Please contact server support as you have no List permission for your root directory. In case this is a "blind" FTP server (one ...

2011/1/20 -The solution was simple: Go to Site Management, choose the site with the problem. Choose tab Transfer Settings and select Active instead of Default.

2013/4/25 -Re: FTPs timeout on MLSD ... Some firewall or NAT router is interfering with the connection. Please read the Network Configuration guide. Top ...

A.FC2ホームページは、自分のアカウントのメニューで、Ftp機能を有効にしないと、Ftp使えない。 まず、メニューを確認し、Ftp機能が有効になっていることを確認するべき。

A.単純に、ユーザー権限、つまり所有者が異なるのでは。? 管理者権限でアクセスしてみて下さい。 管理パネルなら、そうなるかな。?

A.この場合はうまくいかないサイトのFTPに関する注意事項と制限事項の確認とディレクトリー構成の指示を確認をします。例えばpublicフォルダに構築とか、rootフォルダに構築とかの注意書きです。 次に

2012/10/15 -Hey guys, Having trouble connecting people in the office to an external FTP. Not sure if the error is on our end or their end.

2020/1/29 -FTP MLSD timeout occurs after MLSD command. This can be fixed by adding IP table modules, Enabling passive mode, Changing encryption method so on.

2012/4/9 -This issue is caused by firewall blocks passive connection port range where pure-ftp deamon listens. This issue can be resolved by adding passive port range in ...

2011/6/13 -When does FileZilla issue this command MLSD against the remote FTP server, when does it use a LIST command instead ? I have a remote FTP server ...