Case West re-introduces the ability to take pictures in-game. Two players can also play together as Chuck and Frank in the full-featured co-op mode!

Dead Rising 2: Case West

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Dead Rising 2: Case West is an Xbox 360-exclusive standalone downloadable game that takes place after the events of Dead Rising 2, which was announced at ...

Dead Rising 2: Case West

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  3. Dead_Rising_2:_...
  2. wiki
  3. Dead_Rising_2:_...

Story. Frank West joins Chuck Greene to help Chuck free himself of blame for the Fortune City zombie outbreak, which Chuck was blamed for in Dead Rising 2.

2024/3/31 -フェノトランス社の保安警察に所属する隊員達。全身を対人用防弾プロテクターで保護し、アサルトライフルと閃光手榴弾で武装。 普通に倒そうとすると ...

Chuck Greene is back in action and has teamed up with original Deadrising hero Frank West. This game once again features flesh eating zombies that you can kill ...

なお、本項ではゲーム本編のプロローグエピソードとなる『CASE:0』、本編エンディング直後の後日談を描いた『CASE:WEST』、フランク・ウェストを主人公にしたアナザー ...

A review of, amongst other things, the DLC of Dead Rising 2. Support me on patreon: Follow me on twitter for ...


... Dead Rising 2: Case West, made available on the Xbox Live Marketplace. The game features Frank West, the main character from the first Dead Rising game, and ...

Plot-Development and release-Downloadable content

2024/1/8 -On the other hand, Isabella mentions that Frank had left him to die, presumably referring to the events of Case West where she was left in the ...

Following up on the events of Dead Rising 2, Case West brings Frank West back into action in an epilogue to the harrowing story of the zombie assault on ...