
In chess, a back-rank mate is a checkmating pattern that happens when a player delivers checkmate by attacking the back rank of their opponent (first rank for ...

In chess, a back-rank checkmate is a checkmate delivered by a rook or queen along the opponent's back rank in which the mated king is unable to move up the ...

Introduction-Examples-Adams vs. Torre Repetto

The Back Rank Mate happens when a king is trapped behind its own pawn shield and gets mated by a rook or queen. Back Rank Mate Example 1.

... back rank checkmating combination in history ... Chess Tactics: Back Rank ... Back Rank Mate Concepts + Intermediate/Advanced Exercises To Test Your ...


Back rank mates occur when a king is checked horizontally along his back rank by a queen or rook, and has no place to ecape to. Although they don't happen very ...

Black's king is attacked by white's rook and is trapped on his bank rank behind his pawns, with no place to go. CHECKMATE! Next chapter ...

When a rook or queen moves to his opponent's back rank to attack a castled king, and the king is blocked behind its three pawns in the castle, this usually ...

Another solution to avoid the back rank mate is to give one more square to your King. In this position, black can avoid it by pushing the f7, g7 or h7 pawn.

The first pattern, which we cover in this chapter, is the back rank mate. The general idea is to put a queen or rook onto your opponent's back rank and thus ...

2021/6/29 -5 Amusing Back Rank Checkmate Stories ; Edwin Ziegler Adams · Carlos Torre Repetto · New Orleans ; Andreas G R Moen (2390) · Veselin Topalov (2771).

A.すべて英語で、チェス用語になります(zugzwangの語源はドイツ語) 意訳も含みますが、 opening:ゲームの「序盤」 first move:初手 dubious move:疑問手 bl...
