

Zombrex is a vital drug for individuals infected with the zombie parasite, who must take doses on a regular basis to prevent themselves from turning.

Overview-History-Zombrex locations-Zombrex basics

This page contains the Zombrex Locations for Dead Rising 2. Zombrex, is a drug in the Dead Rising series used to treat those infected with zombification.

2013/1/2 -Map of the Dead Rising 2 shopping mall. This map should give a good overview of where the locations listed in the guide are for easier reference ...

As with all releases in the Dead Rising series, it is a survival horror game. Players take on the role of an all-new character, with equally new motivations to ...

Dead Rising 2 · Zombrex is a drug that stops the infected from becoming zombies. It is high in demand, expensive, and hard to find. · The new and improved Zombrex ...

Just in case you didn't know about Zombrex in Dead Rising 2. More Glossary style content to pad out the channel lol!

YouTube-Recommended Playing

2013/2/4 -Zombrex is an obnoxious game mechanism that distracts you from Dead Rising's core gameplay of killing zombies with sex toys while dressed up ...

Jack and Geoff point out the four hidden Zombrex locations in Dead Rising 2. Because, why do any tough work when you can just sneak some ...

YouTube-Rooster Teeth

Zombrex Posters Guide ;. Enter Roy's Mart through the set of doors closest to the Slot Ranch Casino and it will be immediately visible on the wall inside the ...

2010/11/9 -Free Zombrex Locations There are nine free Zombrex doses. Only seven are required to complete everything in the game. 1.) Royal Flush Plaza

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A.強化本は可能ですがゾンブレックスは入手できません サンドボックスは時間が無制限なのでずっと永遠に遊べ続けられます 時間が無制限ということは日にちが表示されないので薬を打つ必要はありません ...

A.この回答を参考にしてください。 http://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q1347987148