
The Vendor class allows you to build vendor-specific devices that can implement a proprietary protocol. It relies on a pair of bulk endpoints to transfer data ...

This base class is defined for vendors to use as they please. These class codes can be used in both Device and Interface Descriptors. Base Class. SubClass.

The aim of this document is to provide an easy way to integrate a USB vendor class application on a new or existing project. 8-/32-bit Atmel. Microcontrollers.

This manual describes how to install the Star USB Vendor Class Driver. The Star USB Vendor Class Driver can be used for Star USB models in OPOS, JavaPOS, and ...

2022/11/14 -To communicate with vendor-class devices in Windows, WinUSB can be used. It is a generic driver for USB devices included in all Windows versions ...

The USB driver allocates USB PIPE by analyzing the descriptor of USB device in Vendor class. Use the following APIs to get the allocated USB pipe information.

Implementing/supporting a vendor specific Device class. Supporting Custom or Standard Class Devices requires the USB Host to be aware of the specific Class.

This application note shows how to create a vendor specific USB device which is on an XMOS multicore microcontroller.

USB Device Interface (UDI) for Vendor Class Device provides an interface for the configuration and management of USB Vendor Device.

The objective of this blog is to show you the steps necessary to use an existing Micrium OS USBD example and add a different class and demo using the ...

A.今回の質問本文に書いて頂いた部分(写真もあって分かりやすいです)については、PCが立ち上がる時に、BIOSが正常に報告した(ふつうの)内容です。 で、補足に書いて頂いた、A(ドライブ)にあるフ...


A.やっぱり、 今やってみたら、 sudo をつけて、root 権限で実行しないと、NG でした。 sudo で実行するか、 root ユーザーで作成してから、 +s ビットを立て使ったらどうでしょうか?


A.面倒なので、HUB ごと ON/OFF をしましょう。 Bus 01.Port 1のPort 4の HUB をOFF にするなら、 sudo echo '1-1.4' >/sys/bus...
