

This method is called during message preprocessing to handle dialog characters, such as TAB, RETURN, ESC, and arrow keys. This method is called only if the ...

The ProcessDialogKey method overrides the base ContainerControl.ProcessDialogKey implementation to provide additional handling of the RETURN and ESCAPE keys ...

2012/8/14 -Ok, I've made a test and it does not work. When a key is entered, it is called 2 times (Key up & Key down) and when I call base.ProcessDialogKey ...

Processes Control+Tab to change the current tab also when the focus is on a different control. Namespace: PPJ.Runtime.Windows.QO Assembly: PPJ.

Control.ProcessDialogKey Method. Overload List. protected virtual bool ProcessDialogKey( char charCode ); · protected virtual bool ProcessDialogKey( Keys ...

2011/1/23 -Hi,. currently I am trying to capture key stroke combinations within the ProcessDialogKey, like Ctrl+A or Alt+F4. ... Ctrl+A"); } return base.

ProcessDialogKey%2A, will be called up the control hierarchy. If the control is a container control, it checks for mnemonics by calling xref:System.Windows.

2015/7/16 -I have this code to handle the DOWN arrow key which sets focus to next control protected override void OnViewControlsCreated() {

2020/10/26 -This method processes a command key, which takes precedence over regular keys. ... xref:System.Windows.Forms.Control.ProcessDialogKey%2A, This ...

2009/7/24 -Net's DataGridView allows the Ctrl-Home / Ctrl-End keys to go to the top - left Cell / bottom - right Cell in the grid.