
2020/12/11 -Scrolls the caret into view in an edit control. You can send this message to either an edit control or a rich edit control. Parameters.

2023/6/13 -編集コントロールでキャレットをビューにスクロールします。 このメッセージは、編集コントロールまたはリッチ エディット コントロールのいずれかに送信 ...

The EM_SCROLLCARET message scrolls the caret in the rich edit into view. The caret position is set to the contents of the mask edit prior to calling Perform ...

The EM_SCROLLCARET message scrolls the caret in the rich edit into view. The caret position is set to the contents of the mask edit prior to calling Perform ...

2011/6/16 -Try this code RichEdit1.SetFocus; RichEdit1.SelStart := RichEdit1.GetTextLen; RichEdit1.Perform(EM_SCROLLCARET, 0, 0);.

1997/9/20 -... EM_SCROLLCARETメッセージを送信します。(32ビット版) また、エジットコントロールにES_NOHIDESELのスタイルが含まれていないと、黒くなりません ...

2020/5/12 -SetFocus; I believe that EM_SCROLLCARET and possibly the Perform() method are Windows-specific. Is there a portable or at least Linux-compatible ...

2012/3/18 -GetTextLen; SendMessage(RichEdit.handle, EM_SCROLLCARET, 0, 0);. But this doesn't work for me. However, when I focus the ...

2020/1/18 -... EM_SCROLLCARET, 0, 0 ). To set the cursor at the end of the text, use -1 in wParam and lParam. Select portion of the text. For this you have ...

> When I add line(s) to a TMemo, the cursor is set to the bottom. Memo1.SelStart := 0; SendMessage(Memo1.Handle, EM_SCROLLCARET, 0, 0);. -- Rick Rogers (TeamB) ...