

This page gives an overview about the methods that allow you to fetch entire result sets without looping over single result rows: getOne(), getRow(), getCol(), ...

Runs the query provided and puts the first row of data into an array then frees the result set. Parameter array to be used in execution of the statement.

R::getAll( 'SELECT * FROM page WHERE title = :title', [':title' => 'home'] );. To fetch a single row: R::getRow( 'SELECT * FROM page WHERE title LIKE ? LIMIT ...

2022/3/21 -Use the GetRows method to copy records from a Recordset. GetRows returns a two-dimensional array. The first subscript identifies the field ...

2023/4/6 -The getAll() method of the IDBObjectStore interface returns an IDBRequest object containing all objects in the object store matching the specified parameter.

getRow() . This method returns a single result row. If your query has more than one row, it returns only the first row. The result is returned as an object ...

When returning results, getRow( ) returns an array or object, depending on the current fetch mode. The getAll( ) method returns an array of arrays or array of ...

2018/10/8 -Fetching rows through the recordset getrows() method. When called the getrows method and pass a function for fetching the inner methods always run in the end.

2024/1/18 -Access and modify spreadsheet sheets. Common operations are renaming a sheet and accessing range objects from the sheet.

2016/3/15 -The simplest way that ADOdb can retrieve data is through the getAll() method. This method reads the selected rows from the database into an array.