

2023/6/12 -Hi, is there a way to get the Build Date for an rpm package using dnf? Unfortunately dnf info only seems to provide a subset of what rpm -qi does.

2018/7/30 -The date command can reformat the given date and time string TIMESTAMP=$(date --date="${BUILDTIME}" "+%Y%m%d%H%M") echo ${TIMESTAMP} so that it could be later ...

2016/11/3 -It is printing some random characters along with date. "OURCE" is not present anywhere in my spec file. The same script works perfectly as standalone.

2020/11/27 -This article shows you how to package a script into an RPM file for easy installation, updating, and removal from your Linux systems.

2023/6/12 -Hi, is there a way to get the Build Date for an rpm package using dnf? Unfortunately dnf info only seems to provide a subset of what rpm -qi ...

2024/6/13 -Can I get the release date of a package through yum or rpm commands? Is the Build Date or Signature Date of a package same as the release date?

A.これは、依存関係のチェックのバグですね。 本来全部必要なパッケージは表示されるはずです。 仕方ないので、こういう場合は、 yum provides '*/find.pl' とやってみます。 す...

A.>PS3につないでも 読み込み書き込みが異常に遅かったし不良品なんですかね? 接続方法の問題 ハードディスクの本来の性能が出せていません >ここにファームウェアで修正してくれるツールあ...

A.今のところ、特に問題無いようです。 一般的にHDDの平均寿命は、5~7年程度と言われています。

2019/11/8 -For rpm 4.13, the lag was 4 months (2016-11-03 to 2017-03-03).

2021/6/29 -rpm Build Date : Sat 03 Apr 2021 01:13:55 AM CEST Build Host : buildhw-x86-11.iad2.fedoraproject.org Packager : Fedora Project Vendor : Fedora ...

2011/11/13 -To see a list of all rpm packages by install time. Open a terminal and type: rpm -q --all --last > ~/tmp.txt kwrite ~/tmp.txt Saves output to a file.

2020/10/12 -When you are building an rpm, and you want to use the date as a variable, or macro, you might already know about the percent-parenthesis syntax.