
2014/10/23 -Now, the restart did not erase the entries in /etc/resolv.conf. What I found ,however, is it could add only up to 3 DNS servers in the /etc/ ...

2016/9/1 -# Generated by NetworkManager search ****.com # No nameservers found; try putting DNS servers into your # ifcfg files in /etc/sysconfig ...

conf gets generated to: # No nameservers found; try putting DNS servers into your ... The generated /etc/resolv.conf file: # No nameservers found; try putting DNS ...

2013/7/8 -UPDATE: This is the output from my /etc/resolv.conf file # No nameservers found; try putting DNS servers into your # ifcfg files in /etc ...

2012/1/1 -# No nameservers found; try putting DNS servers into your # ifcfg files in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts like so: # # DNS1=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

2014/1/10 -Try putting your nameserver entries into /etc/resolvconf/resolv. ... put those DNS servers into your resolv.conf ... conf (NOT my router's DNS) AND ...

2019/11/29 -# No nameservers found; try putting DNS servers into your. # ifcfg files in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts like so: #. # DNS1=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx.

Hi, If you do not want DHCP server to change your DNS nameserver ... try putting DNS servers into your # ifcfg ... conf or find the issue on your DHCP server. 0 ...

2021/12/21 -To add permanent lines in /etc/resolv.conf you could install the resolvconf command line: sudo apt install resolvconf. then you have to edit ...

Hello, I have made a template out of classic CentOS 6.3 destribution. When I say classic I mean a plain install, without any extra configuration.

A.おっと、騙されるところでした。 回答していないので、みんな騙されていますね。 直接の原因は、 /etc/resolv.conf です。 ×nameserver= ○name...


A.VMWare の方の設定だと思います。 仮想マシンの設定を開いて、 ハードウェア ネットワークアダプタの設定が ブリッジになっていることを確かめてください。 また、アダプタの設定を開いて 実際に...
