オプションについて Edit. 各装備アイテムに付与される追加効果のこと。 1装備につき0~5つ付く。 武器に付いたオプションは、その武器を構えた状態でしか働かない。

2014/5/6 -武器や防具の追加能力のこと・一つの装備品に最大5個まで・能力の上がり幅はレア度によって異なる・各種ガトリングに吸収力が固定・武器のみ装備だけ ...

マガジン改造系のスキルやオプションの装弾拡張度で増加する。 また、銃器改造のマガジン改造パーツを付けると10~20%弾数が増える。 なお、ガトリングガンは装填弾数の ...

... Hound Companion option. Here, players must choose the crafted components they have available to form the Hound. Once a Model, Core, Bracket, and Stabilizer ...

Model-Synergized Prospectus-Core (Component)-Lacerten

Most of Hound's behavior is defined by a single config.json configuration file. A list of its available options are provided below, along with their ...

2024/1/10 -Hounds are Monsters that attack periodically in packs. They attack every 3–13 days[1] and can also spawn from Hound Mounds.

2015/8/7 -HOUNDSオプション変更手数料半額イベント開催!有料の消耗品も全品半額!週替わりで販売するアバターは夏にぴったりの水着が登場!

2023/5/4 -[NPC] Hound: You should try to get a complete Wyld Armor set from them. Select an option: [I'm sorry but who are you?] None. [NPC] Hound: If ...

2023/5/4 -[NPC] Hound: You should try to get a complete Wyld Armor set from them. Select an option: [I'm sorry but who are you?] Selecting [I ...

Running away from it will most likely not be an option, and you will have to fight. Stats: It has around 120 health, does 10 damage. Drops: Hound Claw (10%).