

$mime->setHTMLBody($html_message); ... When using 'mail' as the sending method (as in this example) the second parameter of Mail::factory() becomes the fifth ...

Sets the plain text part of a message. Parameter Return value boolean - Returns TRUE on success, PEAR_Error on failure. Throws Possible PEAR_Error values.

2016/9/1 -Pear mail does not send HTML formated text instead sends plain text which shows clean html codes. I have already added "Content-type: text/html\r\n"; but still ...

2018/9/18 -On /admin/settings/email , when the HTML Email Template field is set to a valid template, all system messages are sent using it.

The body of an email written in HTML is passed using the setHtmlBody() method: $mail->setHtmlBody('<p>Hello,</p><p>Your order has been accepted.</p>');. You ...

The framework automatically adds a Nette\Mail\Mailer service based on configuration to the DI container, which you get by passing it using dependency injection.

A.内容を理解しないで、変更できる心算ですか? 回答は以下のようになります。 これを見る限りでは、店舗担当者を決める鍵は差出人或いは注文者ですね(改めて追加しない限り。)。 従って、このスクリプト...

setHTMLBody [line 255]. bool setHTMLBody( string $data, [bool $isfile = false]). Adds a html part to the mail ... PEAR Logo Copyright © PHP Group 2004.

Typically, in particular with PHP 4 or later, PEAR is already installed for you. ... setHTMLBody($html); $mime->setTXTBody($text); $body = $mime->get(); $host ...

"); $builder->setHtmlBody("<html><p>This is the HTML body of the message</p></html>"); $builder->setTemplate("template_name"); # Other Optional Parameters ...

The Mail_mime::setTXTBody( ) and Mail_mime::setHTMLBody( ) methods add the plaintext and HTML body parts, respectively. Here, we pass in variables, but you can ...