

The relay log, like the binary log, consists of a set of numbered files containing events that describe database changes, and an index file that contains ...

The replica uses an index file to track the relay log files currently in use. The default relay log index file name is host_name -relay-bin.index in the data ...

2009/2/3 -Description: When relay log files are moved to a different partition (and the correct options are set in my.cnf for relay-log, ...

2021/7/19 -I need to delete/purge relay-bin files from mysql server. We don't have any space left. We are not sure if we can delete the old relay-bin ...

2016/5/18 -binlog index file and relay log index file will contain paths of log files based on log_bin and relay-log variables in config file.So whenever ...

2011/1/25 -I think a better answer is relay logs can be 'deleted' but mysql should manage it automatically. One way to do this is to check for the ...

2017/7/25 -I am trying to run the following. mysql > purge binary logs to 'mysqld-relay-bin.000075'; ERROR 1373 ...

2015/4/12 -Go to new directory edit *.index file of both binary logs and relay logs. Why? Open these files and you will see that, the old path is still ...

2019/1/17 -The slave reads the transaction from the master's binary log and writes them into its relay log. Only after that, the slave executes the SQL ...

The relay log is a set of log files created by a replica during replication. It's the same format as the binary log, containing a record of events that ...