
* Open a new file descriptor that can be used to read the asset data. *. * Uses a ...

2018/3/16 -#include <android/asset_manager.h>. After that I create pointers and open it. const char* mPath = "shaders/vertex.vs"; AAssetManager ...

AAssetManager provides access to an application's raw assets by creating AAsset objects. AAssetManager is a wrapper to the low-level native implementation of ...


// AAssetManager is actually a secret typedef for an empty base class of AssetManager,. // but AAssetDir and AAsset are actual wrappers for isolation. // -----.

In android-ndk-r9c-linux-x86_64 when including the file android/asset_manager.h I get some errors mainly about:

h for requesting asset packs, managing downloads, and accessing the assets. Set up ... #include <android/asset_manager.h> #include <android_native_app_glue.h>

2017/5/1 -Are you using raylib 1.6 (from Windows installer) or latest develop version? I'm working on raylib v1.7, it's almost ready, ...

- I had a look at android-ndk-r5b/platforms/android-9/arch-arm/usr/ include/android/asset_manager.h. It provides methods for accessing assets once you have a ...

// Java code needs to tell us about where to find the asset manager. extern void android_fopen_set_asset_manager(AAssetManager* manager);.

2013/8/30 -Here is the actual console output from the makefile. I am not able to fix it myself :confused: ./build_native.sh ...