
2018/12/17 -Get ASSOC array with PDO without using prepared statement ... I'm using an internal switch to determine the sort order of my results and have just ...

To return an associative array grouped by the values of a specified column, bitwise-OR PDO::FETCH_COLUMN with PDO::FETCH_GROUP . The following are dynamic ...

getAssoc - ADOdb

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  2. dokuwiki
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  4. id=v5:reference:co...
  1. https://adodb.org
  2. dokuwiki
  3. doku
  4. id=v5:reference:co...

2017/5/9 -The function executes a statement and returns all of the returned rows in an array or false if the statement execution fails, ...

Description. Runs the query provided and puts the entire result set into an associative array then frees the result set. If the result set contains more ...

To get an associative array with a specified key and value column use: R::getAssoc( 'SELECT id, title FROM page' );.

2008/4/21 -... GetAssoc: Retrieve data from a query mapped by value of first column * @param sql String query to execute * @param vars Array of variables ...

The fetch_assoc() / mysqli_fetch_assoc() function fetches a result row as an associative array. Note: Fieldnames returned from this function are case-sensitive.

string|\PDO, $dsn. DSN for the database. string|NULL ... getAssoc(). getAssoc(string $sql, array $bindings ... PDO object directly. This is a convenience method ...

$db->GetAssoc() accepts as second parameter either an array or a single value to specify a parameter value. For $db->executeQuery() the second parameter must be ...

2023/6/4 -getAssoc(), Executes a provided SQL statement and returns the entire recordset into an associatitive array with the value of the first column ...