

The MySQL native driver for PHP (mysqlnd) is a drop-in replacement for the MySQL Client Library (libmysql) for the PHP script language.

A comparison of mysqlnd plugins with MySQL Proxy · Obtaining the mysqlnd plugin API · MySQL Native Driver Plugin Architecture · The mysqlnd plugin API · Getting ...

2012/6/20 -php-mysqlnd is the better choice. It is a drop-in replacement for the php-mysql extension. Here you can find more information about it.

In order to use the MySQL Native Driver, PHP needs to be built specifying that the MySQL database extensions are compiled with MySQL Native Driver support. This ...

2022/4/24 -The mysqli extension can be compiled against mysqlnd (PHP native driver for MySQL) or libmysql (the shared driver from Oracle).

MySQL has always been the default go-to database server for pairing with PHP—it has been the go-to database since almost the inception of the language.

2012/10/31 -The ./configure command is part of the compilation process from source code. You can either compile from source or install via package ...

2017/7/1 -The mysqlnd library is highly optimized for and tightly integrated into PHP. The MySQL Client Library cannot offer the same optimizations ...

The MySQL native driver for PHP is an additional, alternative way to connect from PHP 5.3 or newer to the MySQL Server 4.1 or newer. It is a replacement for the ...

The php-mysqlnd package contains a dynamic shared object that will add MySQL database support to PHP. MySQL is an object-relational database management ...