

It also supports per-batch architectures. Intuitive. Forward computation can include any control flow statements of Python without lacking the ability of ...

Chainer is a Python-based deep learning framework aiming at flexibility. It provides automatic differentiation APIs based on the define-by-run approach (a.k.a. ...

Chainer-Home · chainer/chainer Wiki-MIT license-Issues 13

Chainer is an open source deep learning framework written purely in Python on top of NumPy and CuPy Python libraries. The development is led by Japanese ...

chainer · A flexible framework of neural networks for deep learning. Python ; daz · daz: Denormals are zeros. The tool to change the CPU flag about denormals ...

The SageMaker Python SDK Chainer estimators and models and the SageMaker open-source Chainer container make writing a Chainer script and running it in SageMaker ...

Chainer is a Python-based deep learning framework aiming at flexibility. It provides automatic differentiation APIs based on the define-by-run approach, ...

We introduced Chainer as a poweruful, intuitive and flexible framework for deep learning. Chainer enables users to easily implement complex models proposed by ...

A.import chainer,links as L じゃなくて import chainer.links as L の間違いで、 たまたま同じディレクトリに links.py があるせいでエラー...

A.同じ症状に遭遇したので、フォーラムで質問したら、回答がありました。 https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/chainer-jp/ViW_gViL0rM


Chainer は、ニューラルネットワークの計算および学習を行うためのオープンソースのソフトウェアライブラリである。バックプロパゲーシ...-Wikipedia