

A global transaction identifier (GTID) is a unique identifier created and associated with each transaction committed on the server of origin (the source).

This section explains transaction-based replication using global transaction identifiers (GTIDs). When using GTIDs, each transaction can be identified and ...

GTID Format and Storage-GTID-based replication- GTID Life Cycle

GTID assignment distinguishes between client transactions, which are committed on the source, and replicated transactions, which are reproduced on a replica.

GTIDs bring transaction-based replication to the MySQL databases. With GTID replication, every transaction can be identified and tracked as it is committed on ...

2023/8/8 -GTIDs make the replication process between MySQL servers much simpler. With GTID-based replication, you don't need to manage complex binary log ...

Global transaction identifiers (GTIDs) are unique identifiers generated for committed MySQL transactions. You can use GTIDs to make binlog replication simpler ...

A.昇格させるのに何を使うか、によるような気がします。 MySQL Fabricはカスケード構成(セカンダリの後ろのセカンダリ)に対応していませんので、フェールオーバー候補にはなりませんしできません。

A.マルチマスターは障害発生時の対応が激しく面倒なことになるのと、そもそも障害発生が起こりやすくなるというものです。 で、そのメリットは……思いつきません。性能向上でマスター増設?ムリムリ。 マル...

2024/3/4 -GTID tags in MySQL enhance replication and transaction management by introducing a flexible, secure way to tag and identify transactions. This ...

This section describes a process for configuring and starting GTID-based replication in MySQL 8.4. This is a “cold start” procedure.

The following content explains how to use global transaction identifiers (GTIDs) with binary log (binlog) replication between an Aurora MySQL cluster and an ...

2022/9/5 -The GTID for a transaction is shown in the output from mysqlbinlog, and it is used to identify an individual transaction in the Performance ...