

2024/4/18 -Cause. Incorrect or missing PTR record of the sender's mail server. Resolution. Contact the server hoster or provider of the IP address in ...

2014/12/23 -You need a PTR record that resolves to the hostname of your sending server. Might also want to look into SPF records for your ...

2013/11/8 -When a user here sends an email to a particular domain it bounces back with: 450 4.7.1 Client host rejected: cannot find your hostname.

2019/2/8 -You should be able to force a PTR record through unbound by adding the following to data/conf/unbound/unbound.conf in the server block.

2017/5/18 -I am using Plesk Onyx Version 17.5.3 Update #6 Web Host Edition on Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS. I get this error when users try to send mail to any adress @siol.net.

2013/11/22 -Check the DNS settings on the outbound mailserver. Make sure you alse have a PTR record set up for the hostname that is send with the EHLO/HELO ...

A.くみちゃんさんのおっしゃっていることに補足ですが、送信元の IP アドレスに対して適切な DNS レコードが設定されていないことが原因のように思われます。 cannot find your h...

2014/10/26 -The ALTERNATE fix is to loosen your postfix restrictions from "reject_unknown_sender_domain" to "reject_unknown_reverse_client_hostname". But ...

2021/2/16 -Checks against the hostname are needed to ensure that the hostname is properly resolving to the server. Here are the commands needed to perform this check.

Messages (Email, SMS, etc.) being transferred via SMTP are failing with error message XS609 - Currently no delivery to RECIPIENTEMAILADDRESS, as recipient ...

2022/1/27 -If the Exchange server cannot find the sender of the mail or the host name, then an Exchange error 450 4.7.1 is generated indicating that the ...