
2008/6/27 -A. A acct file (/var/account/acct or /var/account/pacct) format is common in UNIX / Linux / BSD operating systems.

This directory holds the current active process accounting log and the composite process usage data (as used in some UNIX-like systems by lastcomm and sa).

2013/5/14 -I got 2 big files at, /var/log/account , of 350MB each..., my root is only 10GB... I read there could have ckpacct to cycle and gzip it, but I ...

2019/12/30 -Issue. The file /var/account/pacct log file grow faster in size. Why does it grow? Environment. Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 5, 6 ...

/var contains variable data files. This includes spool directories and files, administrative and logging data, and transient and temporary files.

To start process accounting: SmartCloud Cost Management manages the Linux or UNIX process accounting file, var/account/pacct . Therefore, you should verify ...

2020/8/18 -On this system, the file /var/log/account/pacct is the file in which the data will be saved. This file is not a plain text file, so don't try ...

The sa command summarizes information about previously executed commands. Type the following two commands to create /var/account/pacct file and start services:.

You want to display information about executed commands, as recorded by process accounting. Solution. To view the latest accounting information: $ lastcomm [ ...

b) /var/log/lastlog – Displays the recent login information for all the users. This is not an ascii file. You should use lastlog command to view the content of ...

A.1. rpc.yppasswdd はあがってますか? 2. rpc.yppasswdd の設定は変更してありますか? 多分デフォルトでは /etc 直下にファイルがあるものとして動作するので、...


A.まぁ文字制限もある中、中々詳しく書き辛いですよね。 えーっと、こちらもいまいち現象の一部では全貌がつかめていないのでなんともいえません。 ただ、最終的にはcronに任せたい内容は一通り書き終わっ...


A.postfix では、安全性を考慮して、 何かを実行する場合は、 必要最小限しか環境変数を設定しません。 従って、この方法で環境変数を受け渡すのは無理です。 環境変数に入っているのは、 Post...
