
2013/5/16 -depends on extension pdo, which you've configured to build shared. You either need to build pdo_mysql shared or build pdo statically for the

2013/10/8 -... configured extension pdo_odbc to build statically, but it depends on extension pdo, which you've configured to build shared. You either need ...

2016/7/12 -When I tried to run phinx migrate command in console, it throws me an error "You need to enable the PDO_Mysql extension for Phinx to run ...

2019/3/26 -Solved: Hello, When I try to execute "php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy" in order to generate css files from less files, I have.

2022/6/19 -I'm running php 8 on Linux Mint and have installed it by compiling the source code (a first for me). I've also had success compiling and ...

2017/12/15 -Hey, this is what I get when building based on top of the newest images. Tried it with "7.1-apache" and "7.2-apache": ➜ main git:(master) ...

When building PDO as a shared extension (not recommended) then all PDO drivers must be loaded after PDO itself. When installing PDO as a shared module, the php.

To compile PHP, and compile and install the FairCom DB PHP PDO extension on Windows, follow the steps in this section. Step 1: Build PHP 7 and the PDO extension.

PDO Functions

  1. https://www.ms.sapientia.ro
  2. dok
  3. php
  4. ref.pdo.html
  1. https://www.ms.sapientia.ro
  2. dok
  3. php
  4. ref.pdo.html

... but note that if you build PDO as a shared extension, you must build the PDO drivers as shared extensions. SQLite extension depends on PDO so if PDO is ...

configure: error: You've configured extension pdo_sqlite to build statically, but it depends on extension pdo, which you've configured to build shared. You ...