

The WebDAV protocol provides a framework for users to create, change and move documents on a server. The most important features include the maintenance of ...

2023/5/8 -The WebDAV feature exposes wiki content (attachments, page content) through the well-known WebDAV protocol. This allows using WebDAV clients ...

With this plugin it's possible to explore, modify and add elements (pages and media files) in DokuWiki using a WebDAV client (such as Dolphin, Nautilus, ...

2023/7/21 -WebDAV is a set of extensions to HTTP to support distributed authoring and versioning. It defines some request methods, message headers and ...

2024/5/30 -WebDAV (Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning) is an extension of HTTP/1.1 and therefore can be considered to be a protocol.

2022/6/15 -dav-server is a quick way to serve up a folder of HTML TiddlyWikis. hacdias webdav server. Guide for using this WebDAV server by Mohammad ...

WebDAV provides convenient means to access and edit XML documents by representing BaseX databases and documents in the form of a file system hierarchy. The ...

... 59:18 (1538d). Link: CentOS6 サーバ設定メモ (1534d). Site admin: murachi. PukiWiki 1.5.4 © 2001-2022 PukiWiki Development Team. HTML convert time: 0.030 sec.

This site is being produced for the WebDAV community as a central resource for documentation, specifications, software, mailing lists, and other useful items.

2022/8/13 -Support for WebDAV was first added to Tiki5 and massively improved in Tiki20. WebDAV is very client & environment-dependent.