

The code below demonstrates the use of the CreateMutex function which checks // for a previous instance of your application in the memory.

2013/12/18 -If CreateMutex() fails, or the mutex already exists, exit the app. Your change would bypass the "already exists" check if the mutex handle is ...

Having worked in Delphi for many years, I've seen the development tool and it's RTL evolve significantly, yet remain resilient in backwards compatibility.

Call Create to create a TMutex object. The first version of the constructor creates an unnamed mutex with the default security descriptor, and it establishes ...

A handle to the mutex object indicates success. If the named mutex object existed before the function call, the function returns a handle to the existing object ...

2018/2/23 -Hello, trying to migrate a Delphi project (Delphi Tokyo 10.2) from CEF3 to CEF4Delphi was not successful, because we only run one instance ...

2021/8/9 -In this way; if the application is attempted to be opened more than once, only the first instance will be allowed and will be displayed on the ...

2020/9/19 -Anyone know a better way to prevent multiple instances in Delphi? ... CreateMutex(nil, false, 'YourNameOfTheMutex'); ... A simple mutex will work ...

2020/1/5 -You can terminate the application and use ProcessMessages to permit the application to process messages that are currently in the message queue.