
PDO::FETCH_NAMED : returns an array with the same form as PDO::FETCH_ASSOC , except that if there are multiple columns with the same name, the value ...

PDO::FETCH_LAZY · First, this variable doesn't contain any row data, but just return it on demand (so the name suggests) · Instead, it contains a single ...


If the result set contains multiple columns with the same name, PDO::FETCH_NAMED returns an array of values per column name. PDO::FETCH_NUM (int): Specifies ...

... pdo = new PDO(...); $sth = $pdo->prepare($stm); $sth->execute($bind); $result = $sth->fetchAll(PDO:: ... FETCH_NAMED when values are an array // (i.e. there are ...

2018/9/11 -PDO::FETCH_NAMED should help. PDO::FETCH_NAMED: returns an array with the same form as PDO::FETCH_ASSOC, except that if there are multiple ...

2023/3/4 -Problem/Motivation When the Statement classes were developed, they were meant to be extensions of the base PDOStatement class.

I encountered a situation Where I want to fetch multiple columns with the same name where aliases are not an option, so I set the fetchmode to ...

PDOStatement::fetch - PPGIa

  1. https://www.ppgia.pucpr.br
  2. php
  3. pdostatement.fetch.html
  1. https://www.ppgia.pucpr.br
  2. php
  3. pdostatement.fetch.html

... PDO::FETCH_OBJ, creating the object variable names as they are accessed. PDO::FETCH_NAMED: returns an array with the same form as PDO::FETCH_ASSOC, except ...

fetchAll(). The plain-old PDO way to fetch all rows looks like this: use PDO; $pdo = new PDO('sqlite:: ... Set $style to PDO::FETCH_NAMED when values are an array ...

2012/8/25 -Hi, I'm working with PDO database connection and prepared statements for the first time. I have it all up and running now through OOP but i ...