

2024/5/18 -The FTP/S EPSV command signals a request for Extended Passive Mode, enhancing connectivity for FTP/S clients, especially behind firewalls.

In a passive mode, the FTP server opens a random port (> 1023), sends the FTP client the server's IP address to connect to and the port on which it is ...

This article explains the use of FTP commands: · PASV FTP command · PASV response contains internal IP address · EPSV FTP command – Extended Passive Mode · PORT ...

2014/8/22 -The only difference is that PORT/PASV are limited to IPv4, while EPRT/EPSV work with any network protocol (although only IPv6 is used in ...

2019/4/25 -EPSV ALL is not EPSV . EPSV ALL has a special meaning. It is used by the client to indicate that it will only ever use the EPSV , not PASV ...

Some FTP servers support EPRT and EPSV commands, but do not reply as described in RFC 2428. If the FTP server reply to EPSV or EPRT does not conform to RFC ...

The EPSV command is a slightly newer addition to the FTP protocol than PASV and is the preferred command to use since it enables IPv6 to be used. Old FTP ...

EPSV allows sessions secured by SSL/TLS through NAT firewalls, but EPSV alone does not allow FTP sessions that are secured by SSL/TLS through firewalls that ...

If a client later finds that it must do a three-way FTP transfer after issuing an EPSV ALL command, a new FTP session MUST be started. Allman, et. al ...

For those who don't know, EPSV is "extended passive mode", and is a newer extension to FTP's historical passive mode (PASV), which is used to make FTP work in ...

A.前に、同じ様な状況になったことが、あります。 相手の ftpサーバーの設定ミスでした。 SSL を使わないモードで転送するか、 もしくは、SCP ,SFTP を使うとうまく行くことがあります。 ...

A.該当のディレクトリまではゆけてる様子なので、 該当ディレクトリの中で、lsでの表示はどうだろうか? ■ffftp設定 「PASVモードを使う」を非チェック が原因の場合、ファイル表示まではで...

A.このアカウントで過去にはうまくいっていたのでしょうか? 他のアカウントは同じサーバにPASV接続で問題ないのでしょうか? >ダウンロードのためにホスト (61...