
2011/3/21 -Run VBoxManage and pass it showhdinfo and your VDI: VBoxManage.exe showhdinfo "c:\MyMachine.vdi".

2018/8/20 -Changing UUID for VirtualBox virtual machines · Open Command Prompt and navigate to folder where you have installed Oracle Virtual Box. · Type ...

2022/3/3 -VirtualBox uses UUIDs to differentiate between different virtual disk images (e.g. VDI files, base images, snapshots). If you clone a virtual ...

2012/8/30 -9 Answers 9 · Open Virtual Box Manager · Right click on the virtual machine in the Virtual Box Manager · Click "Remove" · A pop-up will appear.

2015/8/16 -A universal unique identifier (UUID) is a 128-bit number used to uniquely identify each virtual machines. It is stored in the SMBIOS system ...

2021/7/12 -Go into the .vbox file for that VM and look in the media registry section for that UUID. See what the file name and path is for the VDI, then go ...

Using VirtualBox you can not use a system disk in two different machines. The error "Cannot register the hard disk ... because a hard disk ...

YouTube-Miquel Boada Artigas

2020/2/18 -VirtualBox uses UUIDs to differentiate between different virtual disk images (e.g. VDI files, base images, snapshots). If you clone a virtual ...

2023/1/31 -To solve this issue, Use the VBoxManage utility to change the UUID of the VDI disk using the command line. Change the UUID of Virtual Disk.

2012/7/26 -Now, I have installed it in the new virtual machine, but the UUID is different and the license file is not valid. So, I want to set the UUID to ...

A.コマンドでのUUIDの再設定の手順でしょうが、パスにスペースが含まれているので "D:\~~~vdi" のようにダブルクォーテーションでくくらないとダメと思います。


A.ホストコンピュータの再起動はしましたか? >補足 Windows8上での動作はまだサポートされていないようですね。 たぶんWindows8用のVBOXデバイスドライバがありません。
