2021/6/30 -①[Create New Virtual Machine]で新規の仮想マシンを作成する。 ②[Use a physical drive]か[Use ISO image]で、Warp 4.52のインストールCDを指定 ...

2014/5/25 -Changes made in this version 4.08: The receive buffer size has been increased from 1518 to 1536. Changes made in this version 4.07: Slow network ...

OS/2 で定番なのは、メモリサイズ 512MByte 制限ですが、今回のインストール構成である VMware(および後述の VirtualPC)の仮想マシン + OS/2 WARP 4.52 の組み合わせなら ...

はじめに-インストール例(2) VMware に...

2024/3/16 -and this was made possible with the use of the free version of VMware Workstation Player, where they had attributed to the speed of Workstation ...

I have OS/2 e-business Server version installed in some machines and I would like to know if I can install it in a workstation with VMware WorkStation or GSX ..

2010/1/26 -To create a virtual machine that can run an OS/2 Warp v4.52 guest operating system, do the following: When creating the virtual machine, ...

If i can get the plc programming tool working reliable under vmware ws/player , that will open opportunities to get vmware server/ESX used. ... os2 warp version.

2022/8/31 -As my personal experience VMWare Pro was awesome, but in some point in history VMWare removed OS/2 support producing some kind of outrage on the ...

2010/6/21 -しかし、VMware Player環境へのOS/2のインストールは大変でした。 まず、メモリを3GB以上割り当ててしまったところ、エラーになりました ...

2023/11/16 -VMware player is virtualization product just like VirtualBox. It is free of charge for personal use offered by VMware corporation. VMware Player ...

Bliss OS-Parrot Security OS-Raspbian

A.特定のプレイヤーでボタンが強調表示されないのは最初だけですか? 他のボタンの上にマウスカーソルを置いた時はどうなのでしょうか? 設定ミスかもしれませんし、DVDStyler の不具合かもしれま...
