
2024/1/13 -x86_64-linux-android ... Windows users can build these projects using the Linux NDK in a Linux VM. ... export TOOLCHAIN=$NDK/toolchains/llvm/ ...

Select the NDK package for your development platform. For information about the changes in the latest version of the NDK and earlier revisions, see NDK ...

2019/9/12 -I noticed that in NDK19+ the linker are coming prebuilt, and can be accessed as: [target.x86_64-linux-android] ar ...

2016/3/23 -zip package. It has only 'windows' directory. So, it make a compile failure. When I changed the directory name from "\toolchains\aarch64-linux- ...

2020/12/3 -I want to sync to the LLVM source code corresponding to NDK r21 release, apply the above fix, generate binaries for Windows, and replace the ...

2018/11/14 -Using the Android Clang toolchain for a non-Linux build system compile (vanilla gradle + 'cpp' plugin) on Windows adds unsupported '-fPIC'...

I am trying to build standalone toolchain using ndk 8 for mips by following "docs\STANDALONE-TOOLCHAIN.html" but when I run following

The following process is used to build the GCC that is used by both the Android platfrom and the NDK. Both Linux and Windows toolchains are built on Linux ...

2019/7/3 -Now cou can see in the output that VS uses “android-ndk-r19c\toolchains\llvm\prebuilt\windows-x86_64\bin\clang.exe” to compile, but then uses “ ...

The binary clang/clang.exe is just copy from NDK source code dir. Not build from source code. android-ndk-r13\toolchains\llvm\prebuilt\windows-x86_64\bin\clang.