
2017/3/1 -In H.264 and H.265, CRF ranges from 0 to 51 (like the QP). 23 is a good default for x264, and 28 is the default for x265. 18 (or 24 for x265) ...

2023/9/23 -This guide focuses on the encoder x264. It assumes you have ffmpeg compiled with --enable-libx264 . If you need help compiling and ...

2016/11/18 -In x264 for 10 bit crf of minus 12 (-12) is lossless and has a range from -12 to 51 while in ffmpeg it is 0 to 63. That way 0 should be ...

String of x264 options (overridden by element properties) in the format ... qp-max. “qp-max” guint. Maximum quantizer. Flags : Read / Write. Default value : 51 ...

2017/12/5 -Increase in QP increases quantization step size and decreases the bitrate. The rate control in x264 is based upon libavcodec's implementation, ...

QP of -1 lets x264 choose. Frametypes: I,i,P,B,b. QPs are restricted by qpmin/qpmax. Analysis ...

2016/6/14 -Hey, what would be the BEST (most lossless) color quality setting for x264 lossless using the qp=0 parameter? if i set Color Format to RGB, ...

2021/7/17 -Using libsvtav1, what QP value is considered 'visually lossless' or roughly equivalent to Nvenc H264's CQP18, or x264 CRF14? Title says it ...

qp edit. Default: Not Set. The first of three possible ratecontrol methods. Set x264 to encode the movie in Constant Quantizer mode. The number you give here ...

- Always use constant QP for I, P and B frames. - To enable in x264 use qp, ipratio and pbratio to select the desired qp values for P, I and B frames ...

A.nokonoko71ryou_hirosimaさんへの回答 ミキサーの指定がダメなのでしょう。 ミキサーに何を指定しました? 通常mp4boxが使われますが外部ミキサーを 指定した場合は、それ...


A.他に出来る物があるなら出来ない方の素材を確認して下さい! 出来る物があるって事はソフトの異常より素材に不備があると考えた方が良いと思います!
