
STR. Strength: This stat affects the "melee" physical power of the character ... STR is invested. The STR value is also multiplied to the Weapon ATK value for ...

ATK-Aspd-MATK-Status Effects

ROSTR is the world's fastest, largest & most up-to-date music industry directory. We track hundreds of thousands of relationships between artists, record labels ...

Jobs-Sign In-Plans & Pricing-Artist Management Companies

Post a job for free. Jobs by ROSTR combines a fast, clean & modern job board with access to ROSTR's smart & savvy audience of music industry professionals.

We're back with this week's hottest jobs in music. This week we got roles in promoters, tech, records, management & more.

This pamphlet is intended as a general guide to effective, low cost methods of improving and enhancing roadside safety.

Ragnarok Online item search for iRO, kRO and most private servers. Search Healing Items, Usable Items, Weapons, Armors, Cards, Monster Eggs, Taming Items, ...

ROSTR is a music technology startup helping to create a more modern, connected & fair music industry. Website: https://rostr.cc.

The meaning of ROSTR- is beak : rostrum. How to use rostr- in a sentence.

Stats are the six fundamental character statistics that make (or break) a character. Stats start out with a base value of 1 and can be raised as far as 99.

A.STR型槍騎士の基本ははS>V ただし、被弾前提なので高DEF高精錬防具に三減盾やイミュン完備が前提 回復も垂れ流し、スキルメインなのでSP剤も大量使用 AGI型に比べ狩場も狭い、だけど高Lv


A.特にありません。 リプロデュースで使用できる各種3次職スキルは レベルや(存在すれば)職専用装備の有無に大きく威力が左右されます。 ステータスに一部依存するものもありますが、 スキルそのもの...


A.こんにちは。 最近光ったとありますが、するとSTR槍騎士はLKでしょうか? BDSかBBか、SPPかにもよるので、一般的な見解を。 素騎士でしたら、安価でそこそこ強いのがアルシェピース。 LK
