
2021/3/17 -1 Answer 1 · make sure /usr/lib/libncurses.so.5 gets installed by an rpm package to solve your dependency problem. · force rpm to ignore the ...

2023/11/27 -RPM failed dependencies error occurs due to either missing or incompatible packages that are dependencies for your system.

The prerequisite scanner shows the following failure message: error: Failed dependencies: libstdc++.so.6 is needed by... Command yum provides: Enter the ...

2012/12/14 -The installation of proj1 fails due to a missing dependency. user@my-pc:~$ rpm -ivh proj1-1.0-1.x86_64.rpm error: Failed dependencies ...

1 Problem. You are trying to install an RPM, but the installation fails with "Error: Failed dependencies." Welcome to dependency hell. 2.10.

2018/9/28 -You were installing i686 which is a 32-bit library.The error clearly states that libmicrohttpd needs a 64-bit library.

2023/8/2 -Error: Failed dependencies: Unable to install Enterprise Developer 8.0.0 RPM package while dependencies are met.

2022/8/2 -We would like to install following rpm packages: 1. git 2.35.1 2. python3 3.7.12 3. screen 4.7.0 4. vim-common 8.2.4938

Failed dependencies ... This parameter gives options to either omit the components or skip the installation on host when a failed dependency is encountered, and ...

2020/10/29 -I am currently trying to install the following github rpm on my Ubuntu 20 server on AWS. https://github.com/usrecnik/ddlfs. Currently ...

A.Vine 4.1 で試しましたところ、確かに「libldap.so.2」が無いと文句を言われますね。しかし、/usr/lib/ 内に libldap-2.3.so.0 等がすでにインストール済み...


A.一番はインターネットにつながるRHEL7(同じバージョン)でdnf downloadでrpmファイルをダウンロードだけしてインストール対象のRHEL7に持ってきてインストールするのが良いと思います。


A.PHP version >= 4.3.0 is required 上記エラーメッセージの通りです。 つまりPHP4.3.0以上じゃないとPEARは動作しませんよ、 と警告してくれてるわけ...
