ソウル経験値を稼ぎレベルを上げることで「ソウルリンクメンバースロット」や「遺宝スロット」を解放することができます。 ソウルポイント, 「遺宝」スキルを習得、レベル ...

Tale Wiki · コメント/ソウルリンク · https://talewiki ... ソウル経験値の獲得量が増えます(約3倍) -- 2016-04-23 ... ソウルメイトレベル1だと約30秒ほどクールタイムが ...

ソウルメイト (soulmate, soul mate) は、soul(魂)とmate(伴侶、仲間)を組み合わせた英語の造語で、魂の伴侶のこと。一般的には、共通の価値観や好みといった深い ...

In this AU, the age is eighteen. The Soulmate of a person is someone that makes the user feel whole, or complete. Their significant other allows them to feel ...

Soulmate Marks, also called Soulmarks, developed as a subtrope of Soulmates, commonly referred to as Soulmates AU. It takes the idea of people who are fated ...

This magical cord may stretch or tangle, but never break. This myth is similar to the Western concept of soulmate or a destined partner. Folklore ...

Scarlet is one of the six playable characters in The Path. Scarlet is a tall girl with black hair tied up in a bun, along with very pale skin.

2024/2/17 -Just right-click and “Select Soulmate” on anyone on the island. Finish your Guide Quest and earn your very first Doki Doki Celebration Box by ...



Provide story quest numbers, names, requirements, and dialogues. Provide verbatim information regarding skills from the North American Server. Minor details ...

Achlys-Path Finder-Avarice-Ice Burners

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