2020/2/28 -... getMyIpAddr: disregarding interface with IP, which is a member interface [vpnd PID ]@Gateway[TIME][ikev2] ikeSimpOrder ...

Put it into a shell script (getmyipaddr.sh for this example), modify as ... getmyipaddr.sh", stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=None, shell=True) myipaddr=r ...

2020/12/10 -My problem is that the actual Phase 1 and 2 tunnel are going with the right cluster IP-address as source (, VPN tunnel gets established.

An open-source SDK for PSP homebrew development. Contribute to pspdev/pspsdk development by creating an account on GitHub.

2015/7/24 -... GetMyIpAddr(const char* device_name) { char* ipAddr = NULL; //IF ... GetMyIpAddr(argv[1]); if (r != NULL) { printf(r); } else { printf ...


  1. http://www.s-cradle.com
  2. ref.SFXInetAddress.html
  1. http://www.s-cradle.com
  2. ref.SFXInetAddress.html

参照. SFXInetAddress::AnyInetAddress | SFXInetAddress::LoopbackInetAddress | SFBNetMgr::GetMyIPAddr | BREW API INETMGR_GetMyIPAddr. SFXInetAddress ...

2005/12/9 -SFBNetMgrSmp netmgr = SFBNetMgr::NewInstance(); INAddr myAddr = netmgr->GetMyIPAddr(); //自分自身のアドレスを取得するSFUIPEndpoint myEndpoint( ...

2018/7/29 -GetMyIPAddr() retryPeriod = time.Second * 5 maxAttempt = 30 attempt = 0 kv = l.Consul.client.KV() session = l.Consul.client.Session() ) l ...

2013/12/23 --.-.-"; const char* GetMyIpAddr(const char* device_name); /** * 自マシンのIPアドレスを取得します。 * @param デバイス名(e.g. "eth0") ...

Fit in TCP/IP

  1. https://www.wut.de
  2. download
  3. print
  1. https://www.wut.de
  2. download
  3. print

loc.sin_addr.s_addr = getmyipaddr(); //"0" wäre auch zulässig box.sin_family = AF_INET;. //Socket sd an einen "Namen" binden (IP-Adresse und Port): if(bind ...