
2012/7/26 -Yes, very easy to do so. Just write: Requires: somepackage >= 0.5.0, somepackage < 0.6.0. into your .spec file. Adding Version Requirements.

RPM ensures dependencies are satisfied whenever packages are installed, erased, or upgraded. To require the packages python and perl, use: Requires: python perl.

2016/11/10 -A possible alternative is to check for existence of the file in the %pre section and exit with non-zero status if it is not present.

2019/4/17 -Hello, I am working on building an RPM from scratch and have a few requirements to meet for the complete functionality of the software suite ...

2014/4/3 -1 Answer 1 ... It depends. If you are building for a specific distribution, depending on other rpms is ok. If building for different distributions ...

There can be multiple entries of BuildRequires , each on its own line in the SPEC file. Requires. A comma- or whitespace-separated list of packages required by ...

Manual Dependencies - Ftp

  1. https://ftp.osuosl.org
  2. pub
  3. rpm
  4. max-rpm
  5. s1-rpm-de...
  1. https://ftp.osuosl.org
  2. pub
  3. rpm
  4. max-rpm
  5. s1-rpm-de...

As it turns out, these are the exact words used in spec files to manually add dependency information. Let's look at the first tag: Requires. The Requires Tag.

The auto requires and provides system contained in RPM is quite useful; however, it sometimes picks up "private" package capabilities that shouldn't be ...

2014/6/27 -On my PC, the dependent package has been installed, with a name like abcd-1425-a.x86_64 . I wrote my .spec file like following: Requires: abcd = ...

2018/10/5 -spec header contains the important version, source, patch, requires, and buildrequires information for the particular package(s) to be built.

Spec Header-Other Conventions

A.出来るけど、なんでノートなんですかね? デスクトップをお勧めする。 ノートは性能の割に高くなるデスクトップ の方が安くなりますよ。 どうしてもノートが良いなら もっとパソコン専門のショップ ドス...


A.その条件なら10年前のビジネスPCでもクリアできます。 つまり、現行の新品買えば、一番しょぼいといわれるものでもクリアしています。 これでもその条件はらくらくクリアです。 https://n...


A.事情がよく分かりませんが、この貼り付けた英語の中身は読まずに貼り付けただけという感じでしょうか。 Recommended action: Update this project to use ...
