アウトブレイクで孤立したチャック達を助けに来た軍隊の隊長。階級は軍曹(Serg.) Raymond Sullivan? レイモンドサリバン, THE FACTS 真相, 今回起こったアウトブレイクの ...

Sullivan uses the opportunity to activate his Skyhook, boasting that he, and Phenotrans, are in fact the "good guys" - just as Chuck handcuffs the waist of his ...

THE FACTS. レイモンドサリバン(Raymond Sullivan). その正体はフェノトランス社のエージェント。 今回の事件の黒幕にしてCASEのラスボス。ラスベガスのアウトブレイク ...

The Facts is a case in Dead Rising 2. It is the last case of 72 Hour Mode. Chuck must defeat Raymond Sullivan.

YouTube-Mr. Boss Fight

2024/4/11 -Raymond “Ray” Sullivan(レイ/レイモンドサリバン) ... 今回の事件を引き起こしたフェノトランス社の工作員。 ... その真相は不明。 無印のレオン戦同様、 ...

The Facts (Dead Rising 2)

  1. https://deadrising.fandom.com
  2. wiki
  3. The_Facts_(Dead...
  1. https://deadrising.fandom.com
  2. wiki
  3. The_Facts_(Dead...

The Facts is a case in Dead Rising 2. It is the last case of 72 Hour Mode. Chuck must defeat Raymond Sullivan. Sullivan has escaped the Safe House and is ...

2021/8/9 -I'm interested in your thoughts on the main antagonists in the series. Thoughts on Raymond Sullivan?

