
"The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two: Some Limits on Our Capacity for Processing Information" is one of the most highly cited papers in psychology.

In spite of the coincidence that the magical number seven appears in both places, the span of absolute judgment and the span of immediate memory are quite ...

2015/3/9 -Miller's (1956) article about storage capacity limits, “The magical number seven plus or minus two…,” is one of the best-known articles in ...

In a famous paper, “The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two: Some Limits on Our Capacity for Processing Information” (1956), Miller proposed as a law of ...

A variety of researches are examined from the standpoint of information theory. It is shown that the unaided observer is severely limited in terms of the ...

7 is used to indicate individuality within a larger group, so the seven dwarves, as you indicate above, all have unique qualities that make each one special.

2019/9/18 -The Magical Number Seven experiment purports that the number of objects an average human can hold in working memory is 7 ± 2. What this means is ...

People can remember about 7 (plus/minus 2) items in short-term memory. This memory limitation has implications for UX design, but not the ...


2023/1/5 -It is sometimes said human beings are nothing more than a collection of memories. Memories for people, events, places, sounds and sights.

2021/1/15 -Summary: People can remember about 7 (plus/minus 2) items in short-term memory. This memory limitation has implications for UX design, ...

A.magicはmagic carpetとかmagic spell(魔法の呪文)のように、 本来は魔法を生み出す道具に使う形容詞で、 magicalmagical nightのように魔法で作られ...


A.なげーよ、打ち込むの疲れたよ 香港ディズニーランド予約センターから温かいご挨拶! メールありがとう。皆様のご関心をお寄せいただきありがとうございます 私たちの香港ディズニーランドホテル。 ...
