
2017/2/24 -The Constant Rate Factor (CRF) is the default quality (and rate control) setting for the x264 and x265 encoders, and it's also available for libvpx.

2010/12/25 -それ以下はcrf 21~22辺りまでがそこそこ高画質と呼べる限界で、24になると劣化が気になり始める。 というわけで、画質の劣化がほとんど分からず、さらに ...

2022/7/24 -CRF(Constant Rate Factor:固定品質)を聞き慣れない方もいらっしゃるかもしれませんが、CRF は「映像を一定のきれいさでエンコードする」モードです。

CRF とは?-HandBrake で CRF-TMPGEnc で CRF

2013/11/18 -The crf flag ensures a variable bitrate for constant quality, if I understand the page linked below correctly. The default range is from 4 to 63, but it can be ...

2021/3/8 -Constant rate factor (CRF) is an encoding mode that adjusts the file data rate up or down to achieve a selected quality level rather than a ...

2022/9/22 -In principle, only CRF determines file size for a given video stream, and all presets result in the same size (within certain bounds, with ...

2020/8/16 -CRF is a bit rate control method, lower CRF values will produce, in theory, higher quality, because they use more bit rate.

2023/9/23 -Constant Rate Factor (CRF) · 1. Choose a CRF value · 2. Choose a preset and tune.

2022/9/24 -Generally a CRF of 16 or less looks pretty darn identical to the source and a CRF 18–24 looks pretty good. Values above 30 tend to be ...

2016/11/18 -CRF allows the QP to go up for frames with a lot of motion or down for still frames resulting in a consistent perceived quality while keeping the compression ...