
GSIM is a reference framework of internationally agreed definitions, attributes and relationships that describe the pieces of information that are used in the ...

GSIM overview - CIRCABC

  1. https://circabc.europa.eu
  2. Day1_ITEM3_GSIM_D2...
  1. https://circabc.europa.eu
  2. Day1_ITEM3_GSIM_D2...

GSIM is the first internationally endorsed reference framework for statistical information. This overarching conceptual framework will play an important part in ...

2015/5/22 -The GSIM Statistical Classifications Model is based upon the Neuchâtel terminology model for classification database object types and their ...

GSIM is a reference framework of information objects, which enables generic descriptions of the definition, management and use of data and metadata throughout ...

GSIM provides a standardized set of information objects that flow through the process model in the creation of official statistics as represented by the Generic ...

GSIM provides a standardized set of information objects that flow through the process model in the creation of official statistics as represented by the Generic ...

2011/6/1 -GSIM is a reference model that can be operationalized on a consistent basis when defining the information required to drive statistical ...

A reference framework that provides a common terminology acroos and between statistical organisations; aligns with DDI and SDMX.

GSIM provides a common language to describe information that supports the whole statistical production process from the identification of user needs through to ...