

2020/5/19 -You can upgrade your TK1 to Ubuntu 20.04 BUT since there are no compatible graphics driver / incompatible X11, you will lose access to your GUI ...

For this process you will need: A host desktop or laptop computer running Ubuntu Linux 12.04 is officially recommended. In practice, this may be a virtual ...

2015/10/7 -JetPack TK1 includes host (Ubuntu Desktop) and target (Jetson TK1) development tools, APIs and packages (OS images, tools, APIs, middleware, samples, ...

2021/9/10 -Installing CUDA 6.5 after Jetson TK1 upgraded to Ubuntu 16.05 is not possible.

2019/3/15 -In this post I explain how I created them for the Jetson TX1 developer kit board, and how they were used to create a UC image for said device.

2021/9/3 -Setting up a Jetson TK1 board requires installing special driver software and is time consuming and easy to go wrong.

2018/5/23 -Jetson TK1 comes pre-installed with Linux4Tegra OS (basically Ubuntu 14.04 with pre-configured drivers). There is also some official support for running other ...

A host desktop or laptop computer running Ubuntu Linux 12.04 is officially recommended. · Micro USB cable provided with the Jetson TK1 kit · Jetson TK1 and power ...

The Jetson TK1 comes from NVidia Labs with a version of Ubuntu Linux ... Jetson TK1 is “ubuntu” and the default password is “ubuntu“. So when running ...

2015/9/24 -To set up the Jetson TK1, you will need a micro-USB cable connected to a host computer running Ubuntu. Ubuntu 12.04 or 14.04 64 bits are ...