
2024/1/17 -A USB device provides information about itself in data structures called USB descriptors. This section provides information about device, ...

USB Descriptors mapped to...-USB device descriptor

The device descriptor includes information such as what USB revision the device complies to, the Product and Vendor IDs used to load the appropriate drivers and ...

USB devices report their attributes using descriptors, which are data structures with a defined format. Each descriptor begins with a byte-wide field ...

2023/11/10 -The purpose of the device descriptor is to let the host know what specification of USB the device complies with and how many possible ...

The Interface Descriptor (USB_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR) defines the collection of endpoints. This interface supports a group of pipes that are suitable for a ...

2024/1/17 -The device descriptor contains information about a USB device as a whole. This topic describes the USB_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR structure and ...

USB Descriptors. All USB devices have a hierarchy of descriptors which describe to the host information such as what the device is, who makes it, what version ...

BOS Descriptor Device Capability Type Codes ; 01H, Defines the set of Wireless USB-specific device level capabilities, Wireless USB Specification, Revision 1.1 - ...

2020/8/11 -USB descriptors are presented to the host during the enumeration process. These descriptors tell the host what type of device is connected and ...

USB Device Descriptors. Determine the capabilities and configuration of a device using descriptors from the USB specification.

A.補足拝見しました。Onboard Devicesが無いと言っていることは、HDDのマスターブートレコード(MBR)が破損していて、HDDからOSを読めなくなっている可能性があります。当時のDEL...


A.追記 あーもしかしてOSはVistaですか? vistaだとどうなんだろうか・・・ https://windowshelp.microsoft.com/Windows/ja-JP/Help/32...


A.完全シャットダウン→電源コードを抜く→電源ボタンを押す→しばらくしてから再起動 これで治るでしょう。 Windows8は完全シャットダウンしないと履歴引き継ぎます。
