

2019/4/10 -The error occurs when the recv() method is called on my socket. Some things I was able to figured out: Before the connection fails, their is no ...

2021/10/7 -When I start the bot, the web works just fine, and after a couple seconds I get these messages: for deck in ...

2017/10/5 -I am having a problem with my program. I am trying to write the simplest Python 3 IRC client which just connects to a channel and receives ...

2015/9/10 -I am currently running a Ubuntu (Guest) in VMWare and I'm trying to connect to irc.freenode.net. I've installed an IRC client on my host PC and ...

2004/11/28 -It sais in the common irc errors: A read error occurs when a server cannot successfully read from a user's client.

Connection reset by peer is a tough one because it can be caused by so many things. In all cases, the server determines that the socket is no longer good and ...

Connection reset by peer. This quit message is caused when the IRC client closes the connection to the server uncleanly, and the server doesn't realise the ...

2019/9/25 -I'm re-connecting to the irc network after my connection has been lost or dropped (connection reset by peer case again). So my old connection is ...

2006/12/20 -3> The error says "no link block", which means that services is named differently that the C/N line or link block. Check the link block name to ...