

2011/4/25 -You can use std::numeric_limits<double>::is_iec559() to check if a particular floating point type is represented according to IEEE 754.

2023/4/13 -Write a program to find out the 32 Bits Single Precision IEEE 754 Floating-Point representation of a given real value and vice versa.

I'm trying to convert 4 different hex registers that i receive from device through getc() into a float variable using IEEE 754 format.

2021/8/3 -The IEEE-754 standard describes floating-point formats, a way to represent real numbers in hardware. There are at least five internal formats ...

This is a single header file C++ library that provides IEEE 754 floating point types. Example usage:

2018/6/16 -IEEE 754 requires that the result of any operation is equal to the value you get when you take the exact value of the operation and then round ...

A.その模範解答の環境(gcc?)はintが 8バイトなんだろね。 Visual C++は64bitのOSでもintは4バイトだから下位4バイトしか出力されないんだと思う。 http://ja.m....

2024/4/4 -IEEE 754 conforming floating point arithmetic has rounding errors. The rounding errors are well defined and reproducible, ...

The 64-bit IEEE-754 format can be used in C++ by using the double data type. You will see that a double doesn't double every field, but instead gives you a ...

This is a C++ header-only library to provide an IEEE 754 conformant 16-bit half-precision floating-point type along with corresponding arithmetic operators.

2019/1/22 -This article will show how to convert a float value into an integer according to IEEE 754 rules. I will show two ways. One is faster than the other one.