
2014/9/22 -8月から行われたオンライン予選を勝ち抜いた4クランが東京ゲームショウ2014の会場に集い,最強クランの座を目指して戦ったのだ。

2014/9/22 -5対1というほぼパーフェクトなスコアで折り返し,今度は守備側となったDeath roadだが,「守備」側のはずが,怒濤の勢いでVertragに襲いかかる。

2024/5/30 -Despite having fewer workers and warriors compared to other clans, The Clan of the Hounds emphasizes the significance of each member. Warriors ...

By entering “N”, or clicking the Clan button in the Menu, the Clan window shows. Information of the Clan created can be checked in the Clan tab. Hounds Clan ...

In Clan Wars, Clans compete against other Clans for rewards and Clan Trophies. Clan Wars are found under the Clan tab. Clan Wars are always ongoing; ...

2021/4/18 -1-1の初めの建物内で死体を食べている感染者。 プレーヤーが初めて戦うことになるバチルスである。 · スコア+272 2016/6/22 一部MAPのみスコア+3に変更

... Hounds had defeated Clan Hell's Horses forces on Porrima. The Kell Hounds continued to harass the Jade Falcons after Julian's departure, targeting ...

By entering “N”, or clicking the Clan button in the Menu, the Clan window shows. Information of the Clan created can be checked in the Clan tab. Hounds Clan ...

Update day shenanigans - CVC score reset for your clan when you check | Vikings: War of Clans. 937 views · I THINK MY ENEMY HAS 5000IQ | Vikings: War of Clans.

Hound clan has the toughest Conquest campaign. Doing extreme on the Hound right now and holy fck it has been by far the toughest Conquest. This clan is so ...