
Android NDK: choose the ndk-bundle folder in Android SDK Location path we just noted in Android Studio SDK Manager window. You can skip this if you don't need ...

2020/7/10 -click on File->Settings->NativeDevelop. Here add the NDK and SDK location similar to what is there in the Project Structure of Android Studio.

First install Android Studio. Download the SDK and NDK required to publish the Android platform. After installing Android Studio, refer to the official ...

2023/8/15 -Cocos Creator is a cross-platform game engine used by many developers all over the world. It helps you create 2D and 3D games and ...

2020/11/10 -Cause: The Android NDK and Android SDK paths are not configured when the project is built. Solution: Go to File > Settings… in Cocos Creator ...

2019/2/3 -Hello everyone I just made the upgrade to cocos2d-x v3.17.1, which NDK version is everybody using on 3.17.1 ?? version r16b or the latest (r19) ...

2021/5/16 -What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':idiomGameTest:generateJsonModelRelease'. Build command failed. Error while executing process E:\ ...

2016/7/7 -I downloaded the latest cocos2d-x-3.12, but things didn't turn out to work when I got latest version of ndk. My question what versions of ...

2017/2/27 -Hmm, it seems you are not reading the errors. First: Android NDK: WARNING: Ignoring unknown import directory: D:\cocos2d-x-3.14.1.

2023/1/18 -Android SDK & NDK 下载完成后,打开Cocos Creator 主菜单-> 偏好设置-> 外部程序,分别设置配置NDK、SDK 路径。