

2023/7/4 -Collective defence means that an attack against one Ally is considered as an attack against all Allies. The principle of collective defence is ...

NATO remains today the world's most powerful and important alliance, dedicated to preserving peace and freedom for all of our peoples.

NATO's 2010 Strategic Concept officially broadened the alliance's mission beyond collective defense, reflecting a peaceful Europe and changes in alliance ...

2024/7/5 -NATO countries pledge to spend 2 percent of their GDP on defense and over half are on track to hit that target this year.

2023/7/3 -Then we would say we have those forces there's nothing to do, while there is work to do because we are refocusing on collective defense again.

2003/1/31 -NATO is based on the principle of “collective defense,” which means that an attack on one member is considered an attack on all members. The ...

2024/7/14 -The purpose of this Essay is to consider how Reisman's Rules might enhance our understanding of the lessons to derive from Russia's war of aggression against ...

2024/5/7 -The index provides a more sophisticated picture of allied burdensharing than is possible when focusing solely on military spending as a percentage of GDP.

2018/9/11 -NATO allies voted unanimously the next day to invoke NATO's Article 5, the commitment of NATO members to come to the defense of any member under attack.

2023/7/31 -This manual is a Department of Defense (DoD)-wide resource for DoD personnel – including commanders, legal practitioners, and other military and ...